A number of endangered wild animals have been making a comeback, raising questions about how best to thrive alongside them. Vision reviews Tenacious Beasts by Christopher Preston.
Both Stephen Hawking and Martin Rees have expressed optimism about the role of science and technology in resolving humanity’s overarching questions and problems. Vision reviews their recent books.
Why does America’s Christian Right take such an active interest in how we view and use scientific findings—to the point of creating its own version of science?
More scientists are hoping to help people transform their minds. Vision reviews three books offering do-it-yourself instructions for building the best brain ever.
In this review, Vision looks at three books focusing on the cognitive tricks employed by the brain as it works to preserve our cherished beliefs and self-deceptions.
In The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water, journalist Charles Fishman reintroduces the reader to life’s most precious resource—water.
Is preserving the species, or even the planet, the ultimate in human meaning? Vision looks at three recent books that outline potential end-time disasters.
Is human life the result of many coincidences and random chance? Or is it instead the fine-tuning of the laws that govern it which have led to our existence?
Vision reviews three books on the field of genetics which is in the process of delivering what amounts to the greatest revolution in the history of the world.