What causes families to self-destruct, and how can the greater community help couples solve relationship problems and perhaps even prevent family violence?
Research suggests that a child who lacks a positive sense of identity is much more likely to turn violent. Gina Stepp explores five keys to help prevent youth violence.
At some point every one of us has the opportunity to lead. What are the principles that enable us to lead with the interests of others foremost in mind?
Vision interviews Bill Albert, chief program officer for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, on the importance of healthy relationships.
Miscommunication seems to be a much bigger problem for humans than for “lower” animal species. How can we improve our communication skills and thereby our relationships?
Vision explores the subject of forgiveness: what it is, what it isn’t, and how it plays out in our politicized world as well as in our individual lives.
An old African proverb observes that it takes a village to raise a child; but in our fragmented, pressured society that kind of traditional village is a rarity.