Science and technology have radically changed the world, making us the greatest consumers in history. But are we any happier? Does having more give us more?
Insight Video: On the list of top economic powers, China moved into second position in 2010. Will the 21st century be Chinese? What might this mean for the rest of the world?
Various notable predictions make headlines around the world from time to time, yet each turns out to be a nonevent. Is there such a thing as certain prophecy?
Insight Video: William Safire said the Sermon on the Mount is “the single most important discourse on Christian law and living.” Is the Bible a credible source for moral instruction?
Augustine’s influence on the Christian church and on Western society in general is well recognized by scholars and theologians. But in retrospect, his philosophies may not have shed much light.
Insight Video: Across the Middle East the uprisings of the Arab Spring gave way to disillusion in many places. Why is good government so hard to achieve?
Today’s debate between methods of attaining knowledge—one divinely revealed, the other gained by rational inquiry—is a significant aspect of Aristotle’s legacy.
Craig A. Evans of Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, Canada, talks to Vision about biblical illiteracy. Can the Bible be trusted as a source of knowledge?
What happens to eyesight when you live in darkness? A tiny fish serves as a metaphor for the material-spiritual divide that has set science and religion at odds with one another.
The separation of religion and science occurred very recently. For millennia the orthodox view was that the physical world did not stand apart from God.