The story of humanity is in large part the story of animosity and violence. What is it about people that leads them to treat one another as adversaries?
Research suggests that a child who lacks a positive sense of identity is much more likely to turn violent. Gina Stepp explores five keys to help prevent youth violence.
John, the last surviving apostle, lived a long and challenging life. David Hulme looks at some of John’s early experiences as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual laws govern how we rightly relate to other humans and the environment. We can ignore them or align ourselves with them and reap the benefits.
At some point every one of us has the opportunity to lead. What are the principles that enable us to lead with the interests of others foremost in mind?
Early in stem cell research, scientists believed that differentiated body cells could not be coaxed back to a stem-like state. This belief has been turned on its head, offering hope for more healthy aging.