As the earth’s population hits 7 billion, three newly released books describe the challenges that lie ahead, each addressing relevant issues from a different perspective.
An excerpt from The New Universe and the Human Future: How a Shared Cosmology Could Change the World presents very optimistic hopes of unifying humanity.
In a world where we have many choices as to how we get our news, it’s worth pondering what the media we consume tells us about ourselves, and how it affects the things we come to believe and act on.
Carl Gustav Jung founded an approach he named Analytical Psychology, many tenets of which have led some to refer to him as a “founding father of the New Age.”
Wendy Freedman, director of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, spoke to Vision about the complexities of measuring the universe and of the human brain that attempts to make sense of it.
In addition to authoring a number of books, David Hulme has contributed essays to two volumes edited by Charles Pasternak, biochemist and founding director of the Oxford International Biomedical Centre.