Vision publisher David Hulme interviews Jeremy Rifkin about the sweeping changes of the Information Age and the tough choices those changes demand of us.
Twenty years from now people will be able to go to a medical clinic to be screened for their entire genetic makeup. How will that impact the children of the future?
What kind of world do we want? It's a question that’s increasingly overshadowed by individuals feeling powerless in the face of massive societal change.
Vision explores several facets of life's complexities. The biblical perspective informs these articles, since the Bible could not be more concerned with life.
Vision reviews three books on the field of genetics which is in the process of delivering what amounts to the greatest revolution in the history of the world.
Machiavelli’s Il Principe features at times stark, emotionless evaluations and prescribes actions that grant little or no feeling of a leader toward his subjects.
There is a new optimism that the Palestinian Israeli conflict can be resolved. But can peace emerge from the thorny issues surrounding this age old conflict?