Because of a well-known list of seven deadly sins, many people have lived with the fear of terrible retribution after death. Where does this idea come from?
What does it mean to show compassion toward other people? These examples from the New Testament provide a framework to help us understand the concept better.
Overcoming such global issues as corruption, inequality and power politics requires that we collectively embrace a different set of overarching values.
The idea of matter as the basis of everything may seem beyond question. But a solely material view of the world doesn’t fill the enduring human need to understand why we’re here and what it all signifies.
Historian Lisa Vox argues for finding a way to address the threats that face us all. It starts, she says, with not condemning others for holding a different worldview.
Why does America’s Christian Right take such an active interest in how we view and use scientific findings—to the point of creating its own version of science?
With Jerusalem so often in the headlines, Vision presents a special report on the city’s place in the wider Arab-Israeli impasse. Why has this piece of real estate been contested for so long?
The Bible has much to say about the path to personal change. Vision examines some of the steps along the way and shows surprising ways in which science and the Bible agree.
Those who suffer with PTSD often ask, “Where was God in all of this? Doesn’t He care?” The reality is that God has been very much involved from the beginning, but other factors are at play.