As the world recalls the end of World War II, Vision examines Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, the unprecedented cruelty he unleashed, and the lessons to be remembered.
The UN says the ongoing tragedy in Darfur is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world today. Aid workers and analysts talk to Vision about the crisis.
The world’s attention has been drawn to what’s happening in Darfur, with a global outcry from humanitarian organizations, government leaders and media.
Besides the estimated 2.4 million IDPs in Darfur, at least 200,000 Darfuri refugees have crossed the Sudanese border and are living in Chad. What’s the difference between the two designations?
Increasing numbers of DNA-based patents are being applied for on a daily basis. Vision examines some of the implications of the battle over who owns life.
Vision publisher David Hulme interviews Charles A. Pasternak, a noted British biochemist and the founding director of the Oxford International Biomedical Centre.