Is leadership all about the leader? Or are effective leaders those who are most in tune with their followers? Vision interviews two authors on “The New Psychology of Leadership.”
Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine suffers from overstatement, and at times it seems her probing enthusiasm stretches too far to fit examples to her thesis.
Bella DePaulo’s book about singles uses humor and sarcasm to explain, to singles as well as couples, that singles can be just as happy as their married friends.
Whether or not one believes global climate change is related to human use of fossil fuels, the politics of climate alternation seem to be here to stay.
There is not a much bigger question than “Where did the universe come from?” and the theory of origins called the “big bang” has become the dominant answer.
The most confounding question that arises from the big bang theory is a simple one: If the big bang is the origin of the universe, what happened before?
The term “theory” in science is lavished only on ideas that appear to have predictive power. But is this like performing a magician’s secret-number trick?
Fall 2007
Messiahs! Rulers and the Role of Religion, Part 11
Historically, would-be saviors who promised peace and prosperity failed to deliver. Can any human being or form of government ultimately deliver us or bring salvation?