What is it about human beings that makes us always want to push the limits? When it comes to the frontiers of medical science, is it possible to go too far?
Early in stem cell research, scientists believed that differentiated body cells could not be coaxed back to a stem-like state. This belief has been turned on its head, offering hope for more healthy aging.
Wendy Freedman serves as director of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. She spoke with Vision about the next era of astronomy.
Beginning with Project Ozma in 1960, and for the last 25 years through SETI, Frank Drake has spearheaded the quest to hear from other intelligent beings in the universe.
God has allowed humankind dominance of the earth, but the situation we find ourselves in was not the path intended. What is our intended relationship to the earth?
Alan B. Shepard, Jr. lived twice as long as many people expected. The first American in space, he lit America’s enthusiasm to rally behind the space program.
It’s unusual to find someone who not only retains his or her early views but builds a whole superstructure of philosophical meaning atop them. Ayn Rand was such a person.
Just as a soap opera will not give valuable insight into real human relationships, finding another earth will not help us understand our place in the universe.