What kind of world will our children inherit? Today’s environmental problems call for a long-term global solution—one that upends a current business-as-usual focus on near-term benefit.
Twentieth-century totalitarians shared a number of characteristics. With a new crop of autocrats entering the world stage, learning the lessons of our recent history is vital.
Insight Video: Men such as Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Mao could one day reappear, but in a different form. Their shared traits serve as warning signs for us today.
From bribery and cronyism to counterfeit goods and money laundering, corruption touches every nation and every level of society. And it was predicted to be so.
Insight Video: Artificial intelligence is changing lives for the better, but its developers acknowledge that it also poses serious risks. This raises some far-reaching questions.
Increasingly sophisticated and “intelligent” technologies now allow us to alter not only day-to-day life but the planet itself. They also invite abuse—and chaos. What can be done?